Alex Suh is a founding Managing Director with California Technology Ventures, LLC, a Southern California venture capital firm that focuses its investments in the fields of Life Sciences and Information Technology. Alex is the managing director that invests in Life Sciences as well as Information Technology.
Alex is also a founding Managing Director with J.J. Jacobs Enterprises, LLC and Jacobs Capital Group, LLC, both Pasadena-based venture capital and fund-of-fund firms where he has invested in other venture capital funds globally that offer a strategic fit with California Technology Ventures.
Alex was an entrepreneur, starting several businesses. He helped develop the first small business incubator in the San Gabriel Valley, managed several small business lending programs, consulted with nonprofits and cities on economic development projects and taught college courses in entrepreneurship, business and management.
Alex participates or has participated on the advisory board for EmTek, a San Diego based community small business lending and equity program; LARTA, a technology think tank; Claremont Graduate University’s Venture Financial Institute; the Life Science Steering committee for State of California Governor’s Policy Office; City of Hope’s International Translational & Regenerative Medicine Center (ITRC); SoCalBio (SCBC) and as an Advisory Council member for Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences. He is a member of the board of trustees at Keck Graduate Institute.
His community involvement includes: past chairman to Villa Esperanza, a school for developmentally challenged persons; distinguished president for Kiwanis; advisory board member for Women at Work, and for the Crippled Children’s Society; Special Olympics coach, an Advisor to Water Women, Inc., an NGO to educate and empower girls, ages eight to eighteen to become water stewards and ocean advocates, and others. Alex was honored in 2009 for the Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business.